This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental.
Copyright © 1989 by John Farris
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.
A TOR Book
Published by Tom Doherty Associates, Inc. 49 West 24 Street New York, NY 10010
ISBN: 0-812-50008-3 Can. ISBN: 0-812-50009-1
First edition: July 1989
Printed in the United States of America
Because we are about to enter into a partnership for at least the length of time it takes you to read, and perhaps reread The Axman Cometh, I think we should be fair with each other.
I am not going to be easy on you. This is not a novel to nibble away at between planes or in that half hour you set aside before dinner to get some reading done. It is not a few comfortable goosebumps and then turn the corner of the page down and off to dreamland. The Axman Cometh is not your conventionally designed novel, with standard chapter breaks. It was planned to be read as a long story, at one sitting.
Not up to it? Can't spare the time? I'm sorry to lose you, but I think it's someone else's book you want this time.
Am I being unfair, Reader?
No. Because if you're willing to meet me exactly halfway, I'll deliver. It's my belief that you've never read anything like The Axman Cometh. I doubt that you will ever forget it. Give me the time. Settle down in your favorite chair, turn the TV off, take the phone off the hook. And I'll take you for a ride that will beat anything you've ever been on at Six Flags or Magic Mountain.
But let me warn you: once you're aboard, you won't be able to jump off. You're mine. And I'm not letting you go.
Okay, Reader?
I'm ready when you are. Just turn the page—